Home 9 Business of Animation 9 Finally, the creation of the company.

Finally, the creation of the company.

by | Sep 23, 2018 | Business of Animation

As a natural evolution of the MFA studies, and two years after that program, the creation of the company.

About a month ago I finalized the registration of the animation studio that will be a direct result of the current production of the film. The film, is changing name due to the fact that there is an already published film by the name Traces. I am still digesting that idea, since I made so much work based on the name Traces.

The animation studio is Daca Daguao Digital Design, LLC. It is more like a Design Studio, that concentrates in animation.

I am very exited about this new chapter in my life. Soon (I guess now) I will call myself an entrepreneur! A business owner! I will still do my freelance work, those clients are helping this process too.

The company’s structure

Daca Daguao Digital Design is an Oregon limited-liability company formed for the development and production of socially-relevant themed films with a secondary objective of developing Hispanic-themed films as well as the employment of Hispanic and other minority actors in primary roles. The studio will also create and fund a school to help as many other artists as possible. The idea is for the school to eventually feed the studio with fresh blood, and retrain artists that want to change careers.

The logo of the company is based on Taino culture. Daguao was a cacique on the east part of Puerto Rico. As one, if not the last cacique that battled the invading Spaniards to the end he is a symbol of tenacity and perseverance for us descendants. Daca means “I am” in Taino, and Daguao is the cacique.

The Sun symbol on top of the Cemi or Trigonolito representing Yocahu Vaguada Maorocoti, god of fertility. The idea is that the god of fertility represents the fertile field of Spanish themed films and actors/actresses for the industry of animation. The sun signifies that it never sees the night. For more information, head over to Cemi Museum site and for more Taino iconography here.

With the changes in the industry and the flux of business practices, both legitimate and nefarious of some studios I developed a mission to help other artists. One of my intentions is to retrain and hopefully re-employed artists that have been displaced due to age or any other unjustified reason. Through my soon-to-be created school I intent to help the new artists make better business decisions and create further opportunities to other artists in the future.

This is the commercial art side of Daca Daguao

On this site you will find commercial art done by me or one of the other artists through Daca Daguao. We (now considering the future artists) will work with Illustration, Graphic Design, Audio Design, Animation and Video. I have some artists asking me if we can publish comic books, and I like that idea. So, maybe in the future we might have comic books too. It also made me think of getting some of my comic book projects out of the drawer, but who knows? Maybe some day.

One thing is sure though, the company is getting its foundation built one stone at a time.


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