Commercial Art and Animation Studio

“Daca Daguao” means “Yo Soy Daguao” or “mi nombre es Daguao”

(I am Daguao/My name is Daguao) in Taino language.

Commercial Art and Animation Studio

“Daca Daguao” means “Yo Soy Daguao” or “mi nombre es Daguao”

(I am Daguao/My name is Daguao) in Taino language.

How can we help you?

Daca Daguao Digital Design offers professional product development services through state-of-the-art 3D animation and static imagery to help you grow your business on-line presence and marketing strategies.

Our services can take your business to the next level with our professional full service animated products so you can effortlessly communicate complex product and engineering topics, business services and provide marketing and training videos.

Our creative team can help you engage and educate your customer base and your production and sales force with our lush imagery, colorful 3D product and prototype animation, 3D visualization, and our architectural 3D walk-through animations.

Our tool kit includes programs like Blender, Natron, Kdenlive, and Linux systems. We plan to offer augmented and virtual reality product demonstrations that can be use in trainings, marketing, shows and conventions by mid-2023.

We can ensure that you will be delighted with our high quality work, suitable for your content needs.

Daca Daguao is a culturally diverse multi-lingual studio that offers full-package digital design and animation services. We offer a professional network of amazing creative subcontractors to suit to any budget and production deadline.

From the Blog

Working on re-starting an Art Store.

Restarting a Art Store that failed when marriage was in my life. Now that I am divorce, here I am again, at it. Over a 25 years long career, producing commercial arts and some fine arts for clients, I have accumulated a lot of artworks. Many of those did not make it...

Surviving one hell of a storm, 1 year ago yesterday – a divorce

In September 2021, I agreed to move from Oregon to Indiana with whom used to be my wife after she requested to be closer to her family. It turned out to be a lie and she just wanted to become a resident in Indiana to file for divorce. I feel now that she was already...

Moving to Indiana – great opportunities await

The animation and design studio is moving to Indiana. The time in Oregon was spectacular and we appreciate all that Oregon provided us. But life happens and Indiana called. The artists we worked with in Oregon are still on the contract list, and as soon as we...

The Academy is Progressing Smoothly

We are now in the phase of video production for the demonstrations of lessons and techniques at the Academy, in Spanish with English subtitles. The current course in production is the Basic Drawing course. We have many on the proverbial drawing board to produce, but...

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Radio Buttons

Our Work

We specialize on 3D animated arts, but can offer graphic design, illustration and web design services and here are some examples.

Web Design

Screenshot of

Traces Retraced film website

Current studio production.

Screenshot of

Daca Daguao Arts Academy

Visual and Audio Arts Academy

3D Modeling


Science, health and education are just a few of the industries that benefit from animation. We can present your concepts and communication needs regardless of complexities.

Web Design

We love technology and how it helps societies’ members. And web design requires good User Experience and Interface research and design. Lets make your ideas funcional for your audience.


Many of our digital artists, and the no so digitals too, are excellent photographers and are available to help your projects. This is not our main business, but we can implement it for your convenience.

Great Explainer. Thanks!

The guys at Daca Daguao managed to get our explainer video fixed. We had a video done by another studio that was not delivering our message. The communication was non-existent. The artists at Daca Daguao sat with us and asked all sort of questions that we did not even think before. Not only did they fix the mistake of the other studio, they expanded what we were trying to accomplish and that is invaluable. We got new business thanks to their perspective – that says it all. Thanks a mil!

Ernesto Sparing


A wonderful Web design experience.

It took us a while to find a company that would meet our expectations. We are completely happy that we found the right one.
Daca Daguao Digital Desing, LLC
Thank you.
Our webpage looks amazing.

Neftali Rivera

Musician and Owner, Grupo Boriken

Corporate Video with Mascot.

Our character is saved. We have a mascot that we use for our corporate presentations and it was time to revive and spice it up. The creative team at “D’s” like we call Daca Daguao studio, came through for us and made a great upgrade of “Flong” our sloth mascot. And the explainer video was clear, funny and entertaining for the shareholders.

Natalia Kamenev

Communications Specialist

Mission Statement

​To create an animation studio and art school to train inexperienced artists, retrain experienced displaced artists and staff the animation studio with the ultimate goal of using digital tools for the telling of society through the lens of science fiction, dealing with the pressures of conformity, social status, quality of life issues, etc.

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