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Working on re-starting an Art Store.

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Store News

Restarting a Art Store that failed when marriage was in my life. Now that I am divorce, here I am again, at it. Over a 25 years long career, producing commercial arts and some fine arts for clients, I have accumulated a lot of artworks. Many of those did not make it to any published final. Due to either the client canceling projects or going a different direction.

As a good freelancer, I made sure I got paid for every effort I put into their work! But I also retained the copyright of any work not used or canceled by clients. For that reason, I will be using many of them here on this Daguao Art Store. I hope you you will enjoy some of them and share the links with your friends and colleagues.

Traveler cup from the Art Store

Why make an Art Store in a digital design business?

Most artists have the discomfort of loosing options with artworks that they sell the copyrights to, but end not been used by the clients. That is a clause I always include in my contracts and taught my students to do the same as freelancer. It goes some like this, with some variations amongst different projects, audiences and clients:

Above fee represents usage copyrights for the _____ region and _______audience. Artist reserves copyrights of artworks, beyond the stated region(s) and audience(s), from concepts to sketches, and original works, unless copyrights are purchased in full and explicitly stated above.

In the event of cancellation, I will receive 50% of the fee agreed above and retain full copyrights of cancelled comps, concepts, sketches and/or final works.

When I taught in college I showed my students to think like an entrepreneur and always look for ways to make more profit from the business at hand. To satisfy the client need but keep their own in check to make sure their future was always protected.

Here I am now, doing what I preached to them for many years. Soon I will be back, too, to the film and its own store.


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