Home 9 Business of Animation 9 Moving to Indiana – great opportunities await

Moving to Indiana – great opportunities await

by | Feb 2, 2022 | Business of Animation, 3D Modeling, Store News

The animation and design studio is moving to Indiana. The time in Oregon was spectacular and we appreciate all that Oregon provided us. But life happens and Indiana called. The artists we worked with in Oregon are still on the contract list, and as soon as we establish the business in Indiana we will study the options of contract vs remote employment for them. But they are also free agents so we might loose them to another studio.

It seems that architecture will take most of our commercial work after moving to Indiana. We are not the designers, but will visualize projects for them. Without extra plugins Blender is an amazing 3D visualization tool. And the community of developers and users have created some amazing extra options to create virtual Maquettes. The adoption of NVIDIA technology for Blender and the support NVIDIA is giving to virtual reality and augmented reality in Linux is phenomenal. All our system run Ubuntu Studio and it is quite impressive how strong the system is at present time.

We can, of course, create real maquettes with traditional forms that included cardboard, plastics, wood, etc. But with 3D printing technology, we can go further. So, maybe there is another business option there.

Animating a 3D version of an architectural project allows the designers to showcase minute details of the unit or build. You can see examples in our current portfolio of commissioned art. We can put the real textures, material looks, lighting desired and even interaction with people using AR and Virtual Reality.

There are likely changes as result of moving to Indiana

Because now we are in a different state with different rules, and a new prospect business direction, there is likelihood that the shops will be closing down. It is not a final decision but Daca Daguao cannot divide into too many enterprises with our current resources, which are limited. So the likely victims of this change will be the last two shops we have, one for Traces Retraced, the first in-house project under production and the recently moved shop of Daca Daguao Shop. So, if you have been waiting to get one of the products of either one, then head over and do so now, before we do decide to close them down.

The first to go will probably be Daca Daguao Shop. Traces is producing some income to fuel the production of the film. We hope for it to get more exposure and produce more income to finalize the production. But adding new products to it is taking longer than expected due to the other commitments of the studio. It is one of those situations that is a vicious circle. Client’s work is not publishable in the portfolios, usually, and the film production, which is totally ours, is not priority as it is not producing income until it is finish. So the portfolio does not grow much to the public side.

The amount of art and projects produced is big, but no publishing of many of them.

We are hoping that the architectural industry is different and that we will be allowed to post some of the work on the portfolios to showcase to other potential clients, but hey, if the client says no, it is no!

With that said, moving to Indiana makes us have to now to deal with the state government to learn all that is needed to get this design studio off the ground in Indianapolis.

“Architectural drawing of a Portable Provisional School, c 1905” by Queensland State Archives is licensed under CC PDM 1.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/?ref=openverse&atype=rich


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