Home 9 Project 9 Modeling NEMA MSL-103 Power Cord

Modeling NEMA MSL-103 Power Cord

by | Feb 24, 2022

The single power cord end for the NEMA MSL-103 to MSL-106 is presented here. This cord was modeled to real size specifications. For a photo-shoot, that is usually not needed, but this client likes to cover all phases and plans future work that will include those measurements. So we complied with their request.

NEMA MSL-103 Model Mesh Set Up

The first image in this series is an example of using real-life measurements of a product to create its virtual counterpart. The rest of the images are the steps to set up the flexible part of the power cord with as little geometry as possible while producing the desired outcome, in this case, reality.

NEMA MSL-103 Model Details

These images show the mesh and the majority of the details. It is satisfying to see the work taking shape in front of your eyes.

NEMA MSL-103 Model Rendered Views

These are the images sent to the client for approval. After this process, usually the client states the environment they want for the model, and we proceed to create final renders for them. That part we cannot show here because it is copyrighted by the client.

One thing to keep in mind is that most of these projects are not meant to be seen in “close-up.”


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